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   2023-12-20 27

德国邮政 DHL 集团的空运和海运专家 DHL Global Forwarding 已将其位于莱比锡的生命科学与医疗保健 (LSH) 设施扩建了约 2,500 平方米。该中心非常靠近莱比锡机场,拥有的设备,用于储存和处理温控药品和医疗产品,例如疫苗接种。在美因河畔法兰克福之后,莱比锡是第二个在容量和设备方面进行扩展的 DHL Global Forwarding 设施。DHL 已成功为其在美因河畔法兰克福、汉堡和莱比锡的 GxP(良好实践)设施获得 IATA CEIV Pharma 重新认证,使该公司在德国做好了理想的准备,以满足与进口和出口 Covid-19 疫苗相关的物流要求。自大流行开始以来,我们观察到对医药产品和商品的需求强劲增长。鉴于有关 Covid-19 疫苗开发的好消息,未来几个月这种需求可能会增加,德国 DHL Global Forwarding 执行官 Tobias Schmidt 说。这就是为什么我们尽早为这种情况做好准备,并将一切准备就绪,以便能够有效和高效地做出反应。当然,我们也受益于 DHL Global Forwarding Germany 在处理和运输温控药品货物方面已经非常有经验。我们拥有紧密的、的网络,可以满足所有严格的监管要求。


  2020年第四季度扩建完成后,之前莱比锡约2200平方米的转运和仓库空间增加了一倍多。第二个仓库占地2500多平方米,分为两个温度区。在约 1,700 平方米的较大区域中,温度可调节在 15 至 25°C 之间。大约 850 平方米的较小区域可以冷却到 2-8°C。这允许药品在适当凉爽的温度下储存,以确保其完整性。被动冷却运输集装箱的干冰处理和主动冷却运输集装箱的处理也是标准程序的一部分。紧邻莱比锡机场,确保快速的进出口时间。当然,当前的 COVID-19 卫生紧急情况提醒我们所有人,为药物和医药产品的运输和储存制定高质量标准是多么重要。客户的产品安全是我们的首要任务,这也是我们 DHL 非常重视不断提高服务质量的原因。我们的 IATA CEIV Pharma 重新认证表明我们的努力正在取得成果,我们是运输结构复杂和温度敏感药物的可靠合作伙伴,施密特补充道。


DHL and IATA are jointly committed to ensuring that the regulatory re of the pharmaceutical industry are met. Standardized methods of air cargo can improve productivity, accuracy and reliability, while making transportation comply with all applicable regulations. DHL began to carry out IATA CEIV Pharma certification for its global facilities in 2016, improving the standard of pharmaceutical logistics. DHL GxP factories in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Leipzig have successfully updated the label after independent third-party audit and on-site staff training courses. Therefore, DHL Global Forwarding has improved the transportation and storage of drugs, and DHL station has exceeded its usual standards. At each location, IATA verifies compliance with its Temperature Control Regulation (TCR),


As a member of the life sciences and healthcare sector, DHL provides important tools for employees at all levels and in all functional areas around the world to meet the re of customers and regulators. For example, it provides a special training program to implement IATA regulatory standards on a large scale in key GxP (good practice) facilities around the world. The Life Science Specialist Certification (CLSS) program is provided as part of the certification program, providing comprehensive mandatory training courses, courses and materials to convey the knowledge required by this highly specialized industry. Like all temperature control sites in DHL, all employees in Frankfurt, Hamburg and Leipzig, which are involved in processing life science and healthcare products, have successfully completed training and obtained certification as life science experts. This ensures that the goods are handled carefully and meet the industry standards.

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标签: 商务服务,物流服务,快递
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  • 联系人:程瑞
  • 地址:安徽省合肥市肥西县玉兰大道与长安路交口柏堰商业服务中心门面C1-18、19号
  • 手机:18010889846