合肥肥东UPS国际快递 UPS全球包裹空运 UPS肥东分公司

   2023-12-19 69

  合肥肥东UPS国际快递 UPS全球包裹空运 UPS肥东分公司  肥东UPS国际快递上门取件 美国 加拿大专线到门 包清关 包税,全境派送。

       UPS(纽约所代码:UPS)宣布将其快递航空网络扩展到加里/芝加哥国际机场。服务于 11 月 2 日开始,正好赶上假日航运旺季。

  加里将由 UPS 航空公司的空中客车 A300 提供服务。这架宽体货机的有效载荷超过 120,000 磅,可承载超过 14,000 个 UPS Next Day Air® 包裹。

  “加里/芝加哥国际机场处于有利地位,可以为 UPS 网络增加额外的容量和灵活性,帮助印第安纳州北部和芝加哥地区的企业在为客户提供服务时以电子商务的快节奏进行竞争,”UPS 航空公司总裁 Brendan Canavan说过。在全国范围内,Next Day Air 2020 年季度的日均运输量增长了 20.5%,连续第四个季度实现两位数增长。

  每个工作日的晚上,UPS 的“browntail”都会在深夜离开加里,将一大批包裹开往该公司位于肯塔基州路易斯维尔的全球航空枢纽 UPS Worldport。在 Worldport 分拣后,这架飞机将在次日清晨返回,运送预定于当天晚些时候交付的数千件快件。

  “UPS 将其服务扩展到 GCIA,为该机场提供了关键的竞争优势,并巩固了其作为芝加哥地区第三个区域机场的角色,”GCIA 董事会管理局蒂莫西·费斯科 (Timothy Fesko) 说。“这是的私营部门投资,增强了我们的运营能力,并使机场能够为芝加哥大都市区提供关键利益。”

  UPS 预计将在机场雇用约 60 名员工,包括地勤人员、行政职位、飞机维修技术人员和管理人员。一些将是调往 Gary 的现任 UPS 员工,而另一些将是新员工。


  UPS (NYSE:UPS) has completed its latest regional ground package sortation and distribution hub, further facilitating commerce between the Pacific Northwest and the world. The new facility also significantly increases the UPS delivery fleet serving the greater Seattle-Tacoma area, the largest metropolitan area in the northwestern United States. Adding 777,000 square feet of new automation-driven processing capacity to UPS’s global network, the hub has created more than 800 full- and part-time jobs.

  “The new Tacoma regional hub is yet another key addition to the UPS global smart logistics network, allowing us to better serve the rapidly changing business and residential needs of our customers in the Pacific Northwest,” said Joe Braham, president of UPS’s Northwest District that covers six states. “UPS has a long history of being a partner in the economic growth of this region. Tacoma is a gateway to West Coast commerce as well as international trade lanes.”

  With 40 percent of jobs in the State of Washington related to international trade, Seattle-Tacoma area businesses of every size and industry can benefit from UPS international trade services. Convenient access to UPS contract logistics distribution facilities, and multi-modal freight and customs brokerage services can be combined with innovative UPS technology solutions to simplify the international shipping process.

  "The significant investment UPS has made in Tacoma is a vote of confidence in the current and long-term health of our local economy and further diversifies our economic base while elevating our vital role in international trade," said Tacoma Mayor Victoria Woodards. "I am pleased that this new hub will bring 800 full- and part-time jobs with excellent benefits to Tacoma, and I hope to see the majority of these filled by local residents. This new hub offers business and residential customers across the Pacific Northwest with a heightened level of access to the logistics and distribution infrastructure they need to adapt to the swiftly evolving demands of today's commercial and consumer landscape."

  Covering an area the size of more than 13 football fields, the new Tacoma regional hub is powered by highly-automated technology that rapidly moves packages through the scanning and sorting process, capturing data to increase delivery accuracy and adding flexibility to respond to customer needs. High speed UPS Smart Label® applicators place labels on packages at a rate of three per second, providing UPS employees instructions for proper routing and loading into waiting trailers headed to destinations across the country, or into package delivery vehicles bound for Tacoma-area businesses and residents.


核心提示:肥东UPS国际快递 肥东UPS快递公司 合肥肥东县UPS快递
标签: 商务服务,物流服务,快递
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