如皋DHL国际快递 如皋市DHL快递公司 DHL上门提货

   2023-12-17 18

如皋市DHL国际快运 如皋市DHL快递 如皋市DHL国际物流公司 如皋市DHL国际性快递代收点,DHL 根据云的风险管控服务提供商 Resilience360 发布了一份有关这种飓风对供应链管理潜在性影响汇报。汇报“暴风雨天气:2019 年世界未来展望”探讨了北半球地图 2018 年飓风时节,并且提供 2019 年未来展望,包含每个地方的常见飓风途径及其敏感地域和行业。还还有对购置、物流运输业务连续性管理意味着的意见,以缓解这种飓风对产业链的危害。

Resilience360 已经发布其优化的气温样子跟踪和警报器作用。该算法设计风暴或飓风的预测途径,并告知客户很有可能并对特殊供应链管理带来的影响。应用特色功能,顾客将能够对受影响地址开展更加好的剖析,并这会对企业生产与交由*后顾客的水平意味什么。


Resilience360 执政官 Tobias Larsson 解释道:“一场仅影响较小地域的中小型风暴假如影响到了关键性的物流配送中心或重要经销商,则有可能证明毁灭性的。” “充分准备是防止成本高昂的终断的关键所在。供应链管理越来越复杂,但先进技术使我们可以规划出双层供应链管理,包含上游和下游的相互依赖相互关系。这也使得掌握一个节点转变(比如滞留码头的海船)怎样影响到供应链管理得以实现。当企业可以直接地见到很有可能出问题的的地方时,她们可以与预留经销商进行相应的方案,并且在预估飓风围攻重要地区时重新安排路经。”



DHL Supply Chain 致力于吸引运送行业的专业人才,保证用户自始至终有着所需要的水平与知识技能。DHL 进新的工作岗位中给予您自己想要的一切:安全性、可信赖的工作中;有潜力的薪资福利保障;有薪在职进修;带薪年休假; 和晋升空间。

DHL Supply Chain, the global and North American contract logistics leader within Deutsche Post DHL (DPDHL) Group, will recognize its truck drivers with gifts and celebrations, including raffles, giveaways and cookouts, throughout the week of Sept. 12 – 18, recognized as National Truck Driver Appreciation Week by the American Trucking Association.

“If the pandemic has taught us one thing, it is that our dedicated truck drivers are critically essential to ensuring we’re able to deliver exceptional outcomes for our customers,” said Jim Monkmeyer, President, Transportation, DHL Supply Chain. “Our drivers prove day-in and day-out their commitment to going the extra mile. Each is essential and we’re grateful for the opportunity to highlight their contributions to our customers’ business and celebrate them.”

Though the official week of celebration ends Sept. 18, DHL Supply Chain remains committed to recognizing and developing talented drivers as part of the company’s overall recruitment and retention strategy that extends far beyond offering signing bonuses or competitive pay.

Initiatives include the company’s Drive for Gold program, a points-based driver recognition program designed to reward a job-well-done by the company’s professional drivers for safe driving, customer service, and other activities. Drivers collect points which can then be redeemed for thousands of products on the Drive for Gold website.


核心提示:如皋DHL国际快递 如皋DHL快递电话 如皋DHL国际快递公司 如皋DHL国际快递网点
标签: 商务服务,物流服务,快递
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  • 联系人:周福印
  • 地址:肥西县桃花镇香蒲路安徽永凯工贸有限责任公司研发中心1栋202
  • 手机:18225846210