FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp (NYSE: FDX) and the world’s largest express transportation company, helps Asia Pacific businesses connect to global opportunities faster with 14 new Asia-Pacific origin markets for FedEx International First® to the U.S. and Canada, bringing the total to 25 Asia-Pacific origin markets.
As the fastest option within the FedEx international network, FedEx International First is a premium time-definite, customs-cleared and door-to-door express service with a pre-defined delivery commitment for shipments up to 68 kilograms per package. More Asia Pacific customers can now have their international shipments delivered as early as 8 a.m. in 1 to 2 business days to nearly 5,000 zip codes across the U.S 10 a.m. in 1 to 2 business days to Canada and Latin America, and 9 a.m. in 2 to 3 business days to Europe. Customers in Australia, China, Japan and Singapore also enjoy the delivery commitment of receiving shipments from the U.S Canada and Latin America by 10 a.m. in 1 to 3 business days.
“Asia Pacific remains an engine of the global economy, powering the growth of global trade. The accelerated development of Asia Pacific businesses has spurred increased need to reach global customers in a time-definite manner,” said Karen Reddington, president, Asia Pacific, FedEx Express. “The network expansion of FedEx International First creates more possibilities for Asia Pacific businesses to reach their global customers in more markets at unbeatable speeds without compromising on reliability.”
FedEx offers a range of delivery options to Asia Pacific customers to match customer needs and expectations in the new digital era. Alongside FedEx International First, which is the fastest option available to customers today, FedEx Express also offers FedEx International Priority®, which delivers between one and three business days worldwide, and FedEx International Economy® an option that ships between two and four business days worldwide.
UPS (纽约所代码:UPS)今天宣布,Laura Lane 已被提升为企业事务和通讯官。Lane 将加入 UPS 的执行领导团队,并直接向 CEO Carol Tomé 汇报。她将负责公共政策和事务、公共关系、员工沟通和 UPS 会。
UPS 执行官 Carol Tomé 表示:“劳拉是一位战略,她知道如何抓住机遇、应对挑战并团结员工以实现目标。“尤其是在当今复杂多变的环境中,劳拉的正直、智慧、政治直觉和正能量使她成为与我一起管理 UPS 声誉和对外关系的新全球角色的自然选择。”
Laura 于 2011 年开始她的 UPS 职业生涯,担任全球公共事务总裁。在此职位上,她负责全球事务活动。
在短时间内,她增强了UPS的成长性和竞争力,包括成功倡导全面税制改革;通过基础设施投资提高网络效率;确保替代燃料信用以支持可持续性;致力于使贸易协定和海关流程现代化;与邮政网络公平竞争;促进 UPS Flight Forward 认证;并倡导促进工作场所公平和正义的法律。
在加入 UPS 之前,Laura 曾在公共和私营部门任职。她曾任花旗集团董事总经理兼国际事务主管,以及时代华纳全球公共政策副总裁。
在她的职业生涯中,劳拉曾在美国贸易代表办公室担任贸易谈判代表,参与中国加入世界贸易组织 (WTO)、WTO 服务协定和 WTO 基本电信协定的谈判。1990 年至 1997 年,她还曾担任美国部的官,包括在哥伦比亚波哥大担任领事/经济官员,在美国驻卢旺达基加利大使馆任职。在卢旺达,她在内战爆发期间领导了疏散工作,并作为政治顾问返回美国,在冲突后环境中提供人道主义救济。在最近的TED 演讲中,劳拉描述了手资料以及倡导积极变革的重要性。
劳拉目前担任在非洲经商咨询委员会 (PAC-DBIA) 的联合。她还是 UNHCR USA 的董事会成员,之前曾担任美国任命的 APEC 商业咨询委员会代表。劳拉是几个美国商业协会和非营利组织的董事会成员,包括在国家首都女童子军委员会任职。