三角体鱼礁的制造流程相对简单,将钢模具横向、纵向拼接成三角形,灌注混凝土,待混凝土凝固后,拆卸钢模具即可。制造过程中需要注意保证其厚度、韧性和强度等参数的一致性,以保证各个礁体之间的协调性和平衡性。The manufacturing process of the triangular fish reef is relatively simple. The steel molds are spliced horizontally and vertically into triangles, and then concrete is poured. After the concrete solidifies, the steel molds can be disassembled. During the manufacturing process, attention should be paid to ensuring the consistency of parameters such as thickness, toughness, and strength to ensure coordination and balance between various reef bodies.