
   2023-12-18 38



1. 增加海洋生物栖息地 生态鱼礁模具可以为海洋生物提供栖息、繁衍和避风的环境,为生态系统的恢复和保护做出贡献。

2. 促进渔业资源增值 生态鱼礁模具可以提供良好的渔场环境,吸引大量鱼类、贝类和其他海洋生物聚集,从而增加捕捞量和渔业资源的价值。

3. 抵御风浪侵蚀 通过模具的结构和材料特性,可以有效缓解风浪对鱼礁的冲击和侵蚀,提高鱼礁的使用寿命和稳定性。

4. 环保可持续 我们的生态鱼礁模具采用环保材料制造,具有循环再利用的特点,不对海洋环境造成污染。

The ecological fish reef mold fish is suitable for various a venues, fishery management departments, etc. Places such as marine pastures and fishing rafts provide important ecological engineering measures for the restoration and protection of marine ecosystems. The ecological fish reef mold is made using a prefabricated method. The fish reef island is first made, and then manually pulled onto the sea surface by boats and placed on the seabed to improve the living environment of marine organisms, maintain diversity of marine organisms, and enable better reproduction of marine organisms, meet the number of fish reefs, maintain ecological balance, and create a good ecological environment for the seabed.

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  • 联系人:王刚
  • 地址:河北省保定市莲池区东金庄乡后辛庄村
  • 手机:15720001423