北仑DHL国际快递网点 北仑DHL服务中心

   2023-12-14 150

DHL Freight 是欧洲的公路货运服务供应商之一,已部署了首批能够牵引大型拖车的以液化天然气 (LNG) 为动力的 Iveco Stralis 车之一。在为期一年的试验期内,这辆卡车将作为 DHL 物流中心和德国南部宝马集团生产工厂之间的日常穿梭车。得益于更高的装载高度和更高的燃油效率,公路运输中的大型拖车对汽车行业尤其重要,使 BMW Group 成为在德国进行测试的理想合作伙伴。自去年与宝马集团续签合同以来,DHL 一直在管理这家汽车制造商在另外七个领域的供应链,以及 17 个国家/地区之间的所有公路运输。

  “液化天然气卡车和大型拖车的结合是汽车物流的一个有前途的可持续解决方案。我们能够以方式满足客户的运输要求,同时显着减少供应链中的温室气体排放。DHL Freight 执行官 Uwe Brinks 表示,使用天然气可提高燃油效率并减少有害排放,这有助于使长途公路运输更具可持续性。


DHL Freight, one of the leading providers of road freight services in Europe, has deployed one of the very first li natural gas (LNG)-powered Iveco Stralis long-haul trucks capable of towing a mega trailer. During a year-long trial period the truck will operate as a daily shuttle between DHL’s logistics center and a BMW Group production plant in southern Germany. Thanks to a higher loading height and increased fuel efficiency, mega trailers in road transport are particularly important for the automotive industry, making BMW Group the ideal partner for testing in Germany. Since last year’s contract renewal with the BMW Group, DHL has been managing the automotive manufacturer’s supply chain in seven additional areas, as well as all road transport between 17 countries.


核心提示:北仑DHL国际快递电话 北仑DHL快递网点 北仑DHL快递公司
标签: 商务服务,物流服务,快递
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  • 联系人:程瑞
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