沂水县DHL国际快递 沂水县DHL国际快递物流中心 取件上门

   2023-12-03 17

  DHL Express 是的国际快递服务提供商,将扩展其现有的墨西哥和美国之间的 DHL Medical Express (WMX) 服务。DHL 于 2018 年 7 月在墨西哥推出的综合运输解决方案有助于在不到 24 小时内将墨西哥的患者样本运送到美国中央实验室。这将这些来自主要城市(墨西哥城以外)的紧急温度敏感货物的运输时间减少了。

  DHL 可以缩短运输时间,部分原因在于其基于资产的航空网络以及从墨西哥多个网关出口的能力。DHL 每天都有直飞墨西哥城、瓜达拉哈拉和蒙特雷的航班,连接到其位于辛辛那提/北肯塔基国际机场 (CVG) 的区域枢纽,在第二天早上连接到美国大部分城市和中央实验室地点,从患者绘制时间。

  对于墨西哥原产地,记录的出口商(通常是赞助商或临床研究组织/CRO)将管理一次性管理变更流程,以授权 DHL 代表他们从三个出口点出口样品。

  到 2019 年第二季度初,墨西哥的 WMX 服务将扩展到 17 个新的始发城市,包括萨波潘、托卢卡、库埃纳瓦卡、夸特拉、帕丘卡、萨尔蒂略、阿瓜斯卡连特斯、普埃布拉、塞拉亚、圣路易斯波托西、托雷翁、莫雷利亚、莱昂、瓜纳华托、哈拉帕、奥里萨巴和杜兰戈。

  DHL Express Americas 生命科学医疗保健总监 Brian Bralynski 说:“赞助商制药公司告诉我们,延长的运输时间在前瞻性样品分析过程中带来了显着改善,并改善了测试结果——尤其是对于生物标志物和流式细胞术检测。” “这些类型的收益对需要此类治疗或样本分析的患者具有高度影响和直接益处。”

  DHL Express Americas 执行官 Mike Parra 表示:“DHL Medical Express 继续通过具有前瞻性的智能医疗保健解决方案满足制药行业和临床研究部门的需求,还扩大了我们在墨西哥的广泛服务范围。” “在 DHL,我们专注于连接医疗保健利益相关者,深切关注供应链的终环节——患者,为此,我们确保严格遵守全球或本地的每一项法规,并在各个方面进行创新。响应速度、透明度和成本效益的结合将使这项服务对所有临床试验利益相关者,重要的是,对临床试验的患者有利。”

  通过专门的热包装,合格的服务客户可以选择温度选项(常温、冷藏和冷冻)。预先确定的紧急情况可以避免延误,DHL 质量控制中心 24/7 全天候监控发货。该服务适用于运输用于商业和非商业用途的实验室试剂盒和医疗设备、生物样品、研究产品、疫苗和药物。

  DHL 是家进入墨西哥和南美市场的集成商,提供面向临床研究领域需求的综合服务。它代表了历史上服务于该地区的商业承运人的增强型服务和市场替代方案。

  DHL Express, the world’s leading international express services provider, will be expanding its existing DHL Medical Express (WMX) service between Mexico and the United States. The integrated transportation solution, which DHL launched in Mexico in July 2018, facilitates the delivery of Mexico-based patient samples to U.S. central labs in less than 24 hours. This reduces transit times for these urgent temperature sensitive shipments from primary cities (beyond Mexico City) by an additional day.

  DHL can provide improved transit times, in part, due to its asset-based air-network and ability to export from multiple gateways in Mexico. DHL operates direct daily flights from Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterey, linking to its regional hub at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG), and then connecting to most U.S. cities and central lab locations the next morning and in less than 24 hours from patient draw time.

  For Mexico origins, exporters of record (typically sponsors or Clinical Research Organizations / CRO’s) will administer a one-time administrative change process, in order to authorize DHL to export samples on their behalf from three export points.

  The WMX service in Mexico will expand by early Q2 2019 into 17 new origin cities, including Zapopan, Toluca, Cuernavaca, Cuatla, Pachuca, Saltillo, Aguascalientes, Puebla, Celaya, San Luis Potosi, Torreon, Morelia, Leon, Guanajuato, Jalapa, Orizaba and Durango.

  “Sponsor pharmaceutical companies have told us that the enhanced transit times have delivered significant improvements during prospective sample analysis, and improved testing results - particularly for Biomarkers and Flow Cytometry Assays,” says Brian Bralynski, Director Life Sciences Healthcare for DHL Express Americas. “Those types of gains are highly impactful and a direct benefit to patients re such treatment or sample analysis.”

  “DHL Medical Express continues to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry and clinical research sectors with forward-thinking, intelligent healthcare solutions, while also expanding our wide range of services in Mexico,” said Mike Parra, CEO of DHL Express Americas. “At DHL, we focus on connecting healthcare stakeholders, deeply caring about the ultimate link of the chain – the patients, and to do so, we ensure we strictly comply with every regulation – global or local, and innovate in every front. A combination of responsiveness, transparency and cost-effectiveness will enable this service to be advantageous to all clinical trial stakeholders and, most importantly, clinical trials’ patients.”

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