导电油墨印刷的令人兴奋的进步使我们能够构建具有非凡灵敏度的定制传感器。 C系列传感器的核心是采用世界上第一款基于纳米聚合物的触觉表面传感器。
允许用户实时捕获和记录在任何两个接触或撞击表面之间发生的压力状况。 纸张薄的传感器实际上放置在接触界面,它可以记录和吸收基于的计算机上的压力分布和压力大小。
Exciting advances in conductive ink printing have enabled us to build customized sensors with extraordinary sensitivity. The core of the C-series sensor is formulated with the world's first Nano-polymer based tactile surface sensor. What It Does ,allow the user to capture and record pressure conditions occurring in between any two contacting or impacting surfaces in real time. The paper-thin sensor is actually placed at the contact interface where it records and assimilates both pressure distribution and pressure magnitude on your Windows® based computer.