
   2025-02-11 13

ue™ medical inks - developed exclusively by CI Medical for medical applications - is a breakthrough technology in marking medical devices for tracking exact location during internal procedures. While ue™ markers provide high contrast and bright edges when viewed on film or with a fluoroscope, they do not loosen, fleck or peel; nor do they compromise the integrity of the medical device in any way.

By absorbing x-rays, ue™ Medical Inks are easily visible using fluoroscopy. This un-retouched ASTM standard test for radiopacity illustrates the effectiveness of ue™ medical inks (top right) when compared to traditional platinum bands (bottom left). The materials used in this fluoroscope test simulate varying densities of tissue mass and bone.

Indicator™不透射线标记用于CT,RT模拟,治疗计划,诊断放射学,血管造影,乳房X光检查和荧光检查。这些标记用于识别肿块,瘢痕组织,痣,出生痕迹或任何感兴趣的点。 Indicator™ue标记提供清晰准确的参考点,无喷雾伪影。







标签: 医药保养,医用材料,一次性医用耗材
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  • 联系人:赖先生
  • 电话:020-23830403
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  • 邮件:laiqiangping2010@163.com
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