
   2024-12-28 51

ShenZhen Rui Hongfu Technology Co., Ltd   http://www.szrhfkj.com

深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司是集于生产研发魔术贴尼龙粘扣带、射出勾魔术贴、蘑菇头魔术贴、细软勾魔术贴、勾毛同体魔术贴、不抓毛魔术贴、发卷带魔术贴、高周波电压魔术贴、防火阻燃魔术贴、背靠背魔术贴、背胶冲型魔术贴、松紧弹力魔术贴、、3M魔术贴、魔术布/OK布、注塑袖口魔术贴、3D VR眼镜头带、运动器材魔术贴、医用魔术贴、数据线收纳皮扣、研磨片魔术贴、特殊魔术贴等产品为粘扣捆绑扎带提供好的解决方案定制加工的大型厂家之一

Shenzhen Ruihongfu Technology Co., Ltd. is specialized in the production and development of magic tape nylon, projection magic tape, mushroom head magic tape, soft hook magic tape, hook hair with body magic tape, non-hair magic tape magic tape, high cycle voltage magic tape, fire retardant magic tape, back-to-back magic tape, backglue impulse magic tape, loose elastic magic tape, 3M magic tape. Magic Cloth/OK Cloth, Injection Cuff Magic Paste, 3D VR Eyewear, Sports E Magic Paste, Medical Magic Paste, Data Line Receiving Button, Abrasive Magic Paste, Special Magic Paste and other products provide a good solution f



粘扣带(魔术贴) 粘扣带能取代传统的扣子,拉链…等固定方式,具备使用更方便,功能更强大,接着度强,抗拉,环保,可水洗/干洗…等优点. 
耐热性:180℃ 开始软化,215℃-230℃ 开始熔化.
耐寒性:于零下 20℃ 低温下仍可使用。

Supply of hair curling tape magic stickers

Product Description: Curly Hair Magic tape.

Sticking tape (magic tape) can replace traditional buttons, zippers, etc. Fixed way, with more convenient to use, more powerful function, followed by strong, tensile, environmental protection, washable / dry cleaning. And so on.

Hair ribbon magic stickers are suitable for: electronic technology industry, electrical products, fixed items, electronic wires, medical e, machinery interior, sports goods, medical straps, abrasives, clothing, handbags, toys, tents, shoes and hats, handicrafts, etc.

Heat resistance: softening at 180 and melting at 215 230 C.

Cold resistance: It can still be used at low temperature of minus 20 C.

Water resistance: 50% 25 pulling force can be retained in water, and **** 25 can be restored after drying.

Drug resistance: Salt soda water, ammonia, hydrochloric acid and nitric acid can be used normally at a certain solubility.

Durability: more than 10,000 times.

The raw materials and dyes used in magic tape products are approved by international (EU) standards, low toxicity and environmental protection (excluding six toxic ) (excluding AZO) standards, and have reached the level of both superiority and superiority of similar products through the inspection of the National Line and Strip Supervision Bureau. They can be customized according to drawings and samples. They can be used

to develop new products for customers and pack them according to customers'requirements.

or bonding and binding tape customized processing of one of the large manufacturers.

什么是发卷带魔术贴?:特殊编织,切勾咬合卷曲强,外观秀气,钩子较,细不粘发,易于从头发上拿下来,带子底部亦透气;主要原料:台湾尼龙纱。可按客户要求分条、背胶、模切、冲型、丝印、压字、车缝、贴合、高周波、超声波等加工成各种大小、形状和图案.主要用途洗发后,以发卷带卷头发,待干后再从头发上取出,头发会有波浪之形状产品用途:包装用品,头发饰品用于女性洗脸或化妆时把头发往上贴,将前面浏海、碎发粘贴上,不让头发容易弄湿,也可以当于发夹用或用于卷头发等等。 规格:60*100MM ,50*100MM(可以订做各种规格)(中间可以做各种图形或图案)名称:尼龙发卷带:材质:****尼龙。

标签: 纺织皮革,纺织辅料,魔术贴
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  • 联系人:余先生
  • 电话:13802562274
  • 地址:龙岗街道南联社区水口村
  • 邮件:szrhfkj@126.com
  • 手机:13802562274
  • 传真:89752695