
   2024-03-15 53


♦ 具有很好的机械性能和温度特性 Excellent mechanical and temperature performance

♦ 松套管材料本身具有良好的耐水解性能和较高的强度 Special tube filling compound ensure a critical protection of fiber and resist the water.

♦ PE护套具有良好的抗紫外线功能 PE sheath protects cable from ultraviolet radiation.

♦ 完全缆芯填充  **** core filling water prevent cable jelly to ensure the cable watertight.

♦ 钢带纵向覆盖电缆芯作为防潮层  PSP longitudinal cover cable core as moisture barrier.

♦ 钢丝绞线具有极高的抗拉强度,便于自承式架空敷设,降低安装成本 High tensile strength of stranded wires meet the re of self-supporting and reduce the installation.

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  • 联系人:段家威
  • 电话:0558-8538890
  • 地址:安徽省阜阳市临泉县邢塘街道办事处霞光大道16号安徽柏联创新科技产业园17号楼1楼
  • 手机:18855856323