GCYFY 松套层绞式气吹微缆采用非金属加强件且无铠装的结构,可通过在已敷设的外保护管中牵引或气吹微型管道,再在微管中气吹微缆的方式敷设,突破了现有管道缆布放技术的局限性,提高了管道的利用效率,并且易于扩容。
♦光缆尺寸小、重量轻,软硬适中,气吹敷设时易过弯,操作方便 The optical cable has the advantages of small size, light weight, moderate soft and hard, easy bending during air blowing laying and convenient operation
♦全非金属结构,无需接地 All non-metallic structure without grounding
♦ 微缆可被吹出,便于今后更换新品种的光纤光缆 The micro cable can be blown out to facilitate the replacement of new varieties of optical fibers and cables in the future
♦ 良好的抗压性和柔韧性 Good crush resistangce and flexibilityt.