067B2790 膨胀阀阀芯 067B2789 丹佛斯阀门
• Applicable to HCFC, non flammable HFC, R717 (Ammonia) and R744 (CO2). • Suitable for "heavy duty" industrial applications having a very sturdy and safe design including high pressures and wide temperature range. • The SNV-ST and SNV-SS valves have backseating (metal to metal). • Compact and light valve for easy handling and installation • No special flow direction re • Provide high flow characteristics. • Each valve type is clearly marked with type and size. • Housing and bonnet material is low temperature steel (stainless steel for SNV-SS) according to re of the Pressure E Directive and other international classification authorities.
丹佛斯阀门适用于各种不可燃制冷剂(包括氨)及无腐蚀 性气体 /液体介质,适合二氧化碳系统。可以用 于化工和石油化工方面
模块概念: 配备 SVL系列通用阀座,可随意更换 SVL管路 元件平台的各类功能模块 迅速便捷的阀门检修服务,便于更换顶部功能 模块且无需焊接
可选配件: - 适于频繁进行开关操作的手轮 - 适于非频繁开关操作的阀帽
分为角型和直通型两种,包括标准版及便于保 温的长颈版(DN 15至 DN 40)
每个阀门上都清楚标注着型号、尺寸和性能范 围■ 阀体和阀帽之间易于采用铅封丝进行铅封以 防截止阀未经允许出现误操作情况
内部金属背封功能: - DN 6 – 65(¼ - 2½ in.) 内部 PTFE 背封功能: - DN 80 – 200(3 - 8 in.)
阀座和阀帽材料为符合 PED压力设备指令和 其他标准要求的低温钢
工作压力:52 bar g (754 psi g)
温度范围:–60℃ /+150℃ (–76℉
067B2790 膨胀阀阀芯 067B2789 丹佛斯阀门