二手HP Integrity rx2620服务器 安腾整机备件 销售维修

   2024-03-05 45
二手HP Integrity rx2620服务器 安腾整机备件 销售维修详细介绍


二手HP Integrity rx2620服务器 安腾处理器 整机备件 销售维修

我公司在HP Integrity RX2620的应用方面累了丰富的经验,除了常规HP-UX系统环境的应用外,还可提供其在5700测井、行李分拣、电力SCADA应用环境的维修及更换升级,系统备份恢复服务,多种服务方式及内容欢迎联系咨询。


HP Integrity rx2620 服务器






 可选的RAID 1


Single-Core Itanium 2 processors:

Single-core 1.3 GHz with 3.0 MB Level 3 Cache

Single-core 1.6 GHz with 3.0 MB Level 3 Cache

Single-core 1.6 GHz with 6.0 MB Level 3 Cache

All single-core processors support:

Level 2 Cache: 256-KB

Level 1 Cache: 32-KB

400 MHz System Bus

Single bit cache error correction

50 bit physical addressing

64 bit virtual addressing

4 GB maximum page size

Dual-Core Itanium 2 processors:

Dual-core 1.4-GHz with 12.0-MB (6.0-MB per core) Level 3 Cache processor

Dual-Core 1.6-GHz with 18.0-MB (9.0-MB per core) Level 3 Cache processor

All dual-core processors support:

Level 2 Cache: 1-MB Instruction/256-KB Data per core

Level 1 Cache: 32-KB per core

400 MHz System Bus

Single bit cache error correction

50 bit physical addressing

64 bit virtual addressing

4 GB maximum page size

The HP Integrity rx2620 servers may require a firmware update to support Intel? Itanium? 2 Processor Add-On products shipping after June 15th, 2005.

Affected Intel Itanium 2 processors products for the Integrity rx2620 are:

AB334A Intel Itanium 2 1.6-GHz 6MB

AB335A Intel Itanium 2 1.6-GHz 3MB

AB336A Intel Itanium 2 1.3-GHz 3MB

反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0
  • 联系人:周女士
  • 地址:北京市房山区德润南路9号院3号楼2层1136
  • 手机:13070101796