Wiring method for the fast food warming table thermostat: The working principle of the thermostat is to automatically monitor the ambient temperature through a temperature sensor. When the ambient temperature is higher than the set value range, the control circuit will be activated. If the temperature still rises, the overrun alarm function will be activated when the temperature rises to the set overrun alarm temperature point. If the temperature cannot be effectively controlled, in order to prevent electrical e from being burned out, tripping will be used to prevent the e from continuing to operate. The current application range of temperature controllers is very wide, and they can be used in high and low voltage switchgear, dry type transformers, and other e. The key to wiring the thermostat is to connect the input and output. As long as these two parts are connected properly, the power supply can work properly. The thermostat is a control mechanism, so it requires sensors that can collect external signals. Therefore, the thermostat has an input terminal. Depending on the model of the thermostat, there are different re for voltage and the number of wires. When connecting, it is important to first understand the wiring re of the thermostat.