
   2023-12-20 55









菁英谷产业园位于朝阳路大黄庄桥,建筑面积20000平方米,由1600平米-2600平米的5个独栋组成,一层层高5.7米,二层层高4米,采光充沛,周围绿化环绕,是一个性价比极高的文化创意园区。园区地处CBD东侧,区位优势明显,规划合理,设计经典实用,整体设计风格融合了怀旧工业风和现代的简约时尚风,是为汇集文化、传媒、设计、摄影、艺术界菁英量身打造的创意者之家。菁英谷致力打造形成集各领域的精英人才,能够在此平台实现更具创意的办公空间,多感觉、全方位、立体化、凸现人文关怀与城市质感的式‘创意综合体’,菁英谷要为每一个创客提供CBD性价比空间、让您自由发挥创意。菁英谷入驻企业:浩潍匠心影视文化传媒、中才紫金文化传播、火钳刘明文化传媒、锦绣星空、关八信息科技、红龙文化传媒、合天文化传媒、缔壹娱乐经纪有限公司等多家企业。The Jingying Valley Industrial Park is located at Dahuangzhuang Bridge, Chaoyang Road, with a building area of 20000 square meters. It is composed of five single buildings of 1600 square meters to 2600 square meters. The first floor is 5.7 meters high, and the second floor is 4 meters high. It has abundant lighting and is surrounded by green. It is a cultural and creative park with high cost performance. The park is located on the east side of CBD, with obvious geographical advantages, reasonable planning, classic and practical design. The overall design style combines the nostalgic industrial style and modern simple fashion style. It is a creative home tailored to gather the elite of culture, media, design, photography and art. Jingying Valley is committed to creating a "creative complex" that integrates elite talents in all fields and can achieve more creative office space on this platform, which is multi-sensory, all-directional, three-dimensional, and highlights humanistic care and urban texture. Jingying Valley should provide CBD cost-effective space for every maker to let you freely play your creativity. Enterprises settled in Jingying Valley: Haowei Creative Film and Television Culture Media, Zhongcai Zijin Culture Media, Firetongs Liuming Culture Media, Splendid Star, Guanba Information Technology, Honglong Culture Media, Hetian Culture Media, Banyi Entertainment Brokerage Co., Ltd. and other enterprises.


菁英谷产业园距离地铁八通线高碑店站1600米,地铁6号线青年路站2500米。公交站点有350路、451路、488路、快速公交2线、快速公交2线区间、411路、517路、615路、639路、690路、499路、675路、911路等多条公交线路汇聚于此,出行十分便利。Jingying Valley Industrial Park is 1600 meters away from Gaobeidian Station on the Batong Line and 2500 meters away from Road Station on the Metro Line 6. Bus stops include 350, 451, 488, BRT line 2, BRT line 2 interval, 411, 517, 615, 639, 690, 499, 675, 911 and other bus lines, which are very convenient for travel.

标签: 商务服务,租赁服务,场地租赁
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0
  • 联系人:王经理
  • 地址:北京市通州区水仙西路99号2层01-22531
  • 手机:18301318706