PP韩国大林BASELL RP344RK 注射成型 高光泽

   2023-12-19 49

PP(聚丙稀),别名百折胶,是一种无主链、高结晶体的线形高聚物,具备良好的全面性能,它比例小、耐拉伸应变、刚度好、抗压强度高、耐溶剂耐腐蚀性能优质、几乎不吸湿、流通性好, 具备较好的电气性能和高频率在阻燃性能。



Moplen RP344RK




Moplen RP344RK is a nucleated polypropylene random copolymer manufactured by PolyMirae using Spheripol process technology licensed from Lyondellbasell.Moplen RP344RK is specially designed for good processability and excellent clarity in low processing temperature with balanced mechanical properties.Moplen RP344RK is a random copolymer particularly suitable for injection molding of transparency container,houseware, thin walled articles for food and non food applications, stationery, caps and lids.Moplen RP344RK meets the FDA re in the code of Federal Regulations in 21 CFR 177.1520 for food contact.Product FeaturesGood processability and excellent clarity in low processing temperature/High productivity with shorter cycle time than conventional random PP/Less bubbles(Voids) in final products/High gloss/Good mechanical property balance/Low odor and low taste transfer/Good colorTypical ApplicationsTransparency container, Houseware, Food container, TWIM, Stationery, Caps and lids, etc

核心提示:大林BASELL RP344RK,巴塞尔PP344RK,PP巴塞尔RP344RK,巴塞尔PP
标签: 橡胶塑料,通用塑料,PP
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0
  • 联系人:刘洋平
  • 电话:18025120985
  • 地址:东莞市樟木头塑金国际15栋
  • 手机:18025120985
  • 传真:0769-22103661