GB/T 18380.13电缆或光缆在火焰条件下的燃烧试验 第13部分:单根绝缘电线电缆火焰垂直蔓延试验

   2023-12-18 36

Test item 测试名称:
Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions - Part 13:Test for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable - Procedure for determination of flaming droplets/particles
电缆或光缆在火焰条件下的燃烧试验 第13部分:单根绝缘电线电缆火焰垂直蔓延试验  测定燃烧滴落(物)/微粒的试验方法
Test info 测试内容:  
Test ClauseRe
conditioningBefore testing, all test pieces shall be conditioned at (23 ± 5) °C for not less than 16 h at a relative humidity of (50 ± 20) %.
 In the case of a single insulated conductor or cable with a finish of paint or lacquer, this conditioning shall follow an initial period where the test piece shall be kept at a temperature of (60 ± 2) °C for 4 h.
Sample Required:5m
Turnaround time: normal (9 working days)
所需时间 :标准(9 个工作天)

Sample for reference 参考图片:

Respoi/insive image


Sample Report 报告样本:

Respoi/insive image

Respoi/insive image

Respoi/insive image

核心提示:GB/T 18380.13
标签: 商务服务,检测服务,电子产品检测
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0
  • 联系人:罗卓文
  • 地址:深圳市宝安区福海街道展城社区福园一路158号鹏洲工业园B号厂房1层2层
  • 手机:17324413130