
   2023-12-18 48

海洋牧场鱼礁钢模板作为改善鱼类栖息地生态环境、促进鱼类繁殖的主要工具之一,逐渐成为了近海海域重要的资源修复工具之一。而为了更好地扩大鱼类资源量,保证海洋生态系统的健康稳定性,海洋牧场鱼礁钢模具应运而生。海洋牧场鱼礁钢模板全部都是钢板焊接制作的, 因为涉及到的模具类型较为复杂,尺寸偏大,模具的制作标准需要参考混凝土鱼礁大样图。海洋牧场鱼礁钢模板的构造简单,在四周上有圆孔、方形孔等,外形类似于矩形检查井模具,只外模以及内模的分布需要采用多块模式,这样才能满足其正常的拆卸模具。海洋牧场鱼礁钢模板在放置上需要注意,因为模具是钢材料的,钢材料模具是不能在湿润的环境中,需要选择一个干净、干燥的大型库房进行对模具的放置,这样模具才不会沾水,使用寿命才会长久很多。

The structure of the steel formwork for marine ranch fish reefs is simple, with circular and square holes on all sides, similar to the shape of a rectangular inspection well mold. However, the distribution of the outer and inner molds needs to adopt a multi block pattern to meet their normal disassembly of the mold. Attention should be paid to the placement of steel templates for marine ranch fish reefs. As the molds are made of steel materials, steel molds cannot be placed in a humid environment. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a clean and dry large warehouse for the placement of the molds, so that they will not get wet and have a much longer service life.

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  • 联系人:王刚
  • 地址:河北省保定市莲池区东金庄乡后辛庄村
  • 手机:15720001423