ProWine 2023上海高端葡萄酒展览会

   2023-12-18 270
ProWine Shanghai

As the world bids farewell to a special and eventful 2022, ProWine Shanghai 2023 is set to return to the Shanghai New International Expo Center from November 8-10, 2023, the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic to reopen its doors to overseas exhibitors. As the leading trade fair for wines and spirits industry in Chinese Mainland, ProWine Shanghai has the important task of organising and presenting a top-notch industry event to all the long-awaited exhibitors, trade visitors and partners, for the continuous growth and progress of the sector.

High Demand Meeting Point of Chinese Wine Market

As the leading wine and spirits trade fair in Chinese mainland, ProWine Shanghai 2021 came to a successful conclusion on November 11, 2021. Given the current COVID-19 pandemic situation, it is undoubtedly inspiring that ProWine Shanghai 2021, the industry trendsetter, took place as scheduled.

ProWine敏锐察觉市场动向,在ProWine Shanghai 2023设有多个**富特色的主题专区,香槟酒廊将在P r o W i n e Shanghai十周年之际回归现场。除此以外,包括ProWine Pink Rose Lounge - 桃红酒廊,ProWine 甜酒吧和Decanter获奖酒品鉴区等均在规划过程中。ProWine Shanghai 2023致力将“桃红酒廊”打造成“沉浸式桃红葡萄酒打卡地”,挖掘“美丽价值”,努力发现更多优质葡萄酒。ProWine甜酒吧将收罗不同的甜型,半甜型佳酿,为各位来宾呈现葡萄酒的“甜美”世界。Decanter获奖酒品鉴区的酒款均由国际葡萄酒专家在Decanter世界葡萄酒大赛上品鉴评定。ProWine不断增强观众体验和观展趣味性与互动感,且为展商提供更丰富和多元化的展示平台,多维度触及市场。

 2023ProWine Shanghai 国际葡萄酒和烈酒贸易展览会

核心提示:ProWine葡萄酒展 ProWine红酒展 酒庄展 ProWine烈酒展 上海ProWine葡萄酒展
标签: 展会,综合类展会
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  • 联系人:沈先生
  • 地址:上海市
  • 手机:18217757251