2023-12-18 17

STAREX阻燃 ABS VH-0810 T---Flame-retardant ABS with excellent weather resistance that is used in the exterior of OA devices such as monitors, printers, fax machines, duplicators etc.

Information provided by Samsung Cheil Industries.

ABS VH-0810 T物性 :

物理性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
比重1.16 g/cc1.16 g/ccASTM D792
熔体流动速率6.0 g/10 min@Load 5.00 kg, Temperature 200 °C6.0 g/10 min@Load 11.0 lb, Temperature 392 °FASTM D1238
机械性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
洛氏硬度(R 级)103103ASTM D785
抗张强度(屈服)39.2 MPa5690 psi5 mm/min; ASTM D638
弯曲强度59.8 MPa8670 psi2.8 mm/min; ASTM D638
弯曲模量2.16 GPa313 ksi2.8 mm/min; ASTM D638
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度2.26 J/cm@Thickness 6.35 mm4.22 ft-lb/in@Thickness 0.250 inASTM D256
热性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
维卡软化温度85.0 °C185 °FB/50; ISO R306
可燃性(UL94)V-0@Thickness 2.50 - 6.00 mmV-0@Thickness 0.0984 - 0.236 in

核心提示:STAREX阻燃 ABS VH-0810 T
标签: 橡胶塑料,工程塑料,PC
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0
  • 联系人:蒋珂
  • 电话:18200646066
  • 地址:樟木头百果洞百顺小区三巷5号
  • 手机:18200646066