2023-12-17 14

DURACON保理POM M90-44--DURACON® is a crystalline thermoplastic acetal copolymer. The primary raw material trioxane, a trimer of formaldehyde.

The thermoplastic adopts a copolymer structure in which polyoxymethylene (-C-O) and carbon-carbon (-C-C- bond) comonomer groups are incorporated into its main chain. Therefore the copolymer has superior chemical and thermal stability, compared with acetal homopolymer.

Acetal co-polymer is well-balanced in terms of mechanical, chemical and thermal properties, and its superior moldability allows it to be widely employed in various industrial fields.

POM M90-44物性信息:

物理性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
密度1.41 g/cc0.0509 lb/in³ISO 1183
机械性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
极限抗拉强度62.0 MPa8990 psiISO 527-1, 2
伸长率 (断裂)35 %35 %ISO 527-1, 2
拉伸模量2.70 GPa392 ksiISO 527-1, 2
弯曲强度87.0 MPa12600 psiISO 178
弯曲模量2.50 GPa363 ksiISO 178
简支梁缺口冲击强度0.600 J/cm²2.86 ft-lb/in²ISO 179/1eA
电气性能额定值 (公制)额定值 (英制)测试方法
体积电阻率1.00e+14 ohm-cm1.00e+14 ohm-cmIEC 60093
表面电阻1.00e+16 ohm1.00e+16 ohmIEC 60093
介电强度19.0 kV/mm483 kV/inIEC 60243-1

核心提示:DURACON保理POM M90-44
标签: 橡胶塑料,工程塑料,POM
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0
  • 联系人:蒋珂
  • 电话:18200646066
  • 地址:樟木头百果洞百顺小区三巷5号
  • 手机:18200646066