Halocarbon Barrier Fluid MSHV04 MSHV06

   2023-12-16 15

Halocarbon MSHV04和MSHV06是氟化流体,旨在提供*的安全性和可靠性,使其成为在危险化学过程和操作中润滑和冷却机械密封面的值得信赖的选择。这些隔离液具有化学惰性,非常适合用于处理或加工强酸或强碱,易燃溶剂,碳氢化合物,腐蚀性化学品,强氧化剂和反应性气体。

Halocarbon MSHV04和MSHV06经过专门配制,具有低粘度。这使得MSHV04和MSHV06特别适用于低温应用以及采用含碳密封面的系统,在这些系统中,粘度较高的流体可能会引起起泡。

Halocarbon MSHV04 and MSHV06 are fluorinated fluids that are designed for superior safety and reliability, making them a trusted choice for lubricating and cooling mechanical seal faces in hazardous chemical processes and operations. These barrier fluids are chemically inert and ideally suited for use in handling or processing strong acids or bases, flammable solvents, hydrocarbons, corrosive chemicals, strong oxidizers, and reactive gasses.

核心提示:Halocarbon Barrier Fluid MSHV04 MSHV06
标签: 精细化学品,工业润滑油
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  • 联系人:张婕
  • 电话:021-20228098
  • 地址:上海市松江区金高路2388号813室
  • 手机:13391171050
  • 传真:86-021-51685756