HMI 附件,连接
SIMATIC 人机界面系列不仅提供了质量**的面板、瘦客户机和 IPC,还提供了可与核心产品实现**协调同的丰富原厂附件。对于附件,我们提出与核心产品相同的质量要求。
SIMATIC 附件预定仅用于工业用途,例如,在办公室、车间内使用。某些情况下,附件也可与竞争产品结合使用。这种使用由您承担责任。
HMI 连接件(转换器、连接器、适配器)
IWLAN 附件(网络接入点、KeyPlug、电源、Moby D、小型部件)
后盖(IP20 设计)
存储介质(MM 存储卡、SD 存储卡、PC 存储卡、PC 存储卡适配器、CF 存储卡、USB 记忆棒、USB 闪盘、按钮式面板的存储模块、扩展存储器)
配电板(USB HUB、USB 扩展、键盘、视频、鼠标开关、以太网开关)
6AV6644-0AC01-2AX0 | MP377-19 触摸式面板,19寸64K色中文 |
6AV6644-0BA01-2AX1 | MP377-12 按键式面板,12寸64K色中文显示 |
6AV6671-1CB00-0AX2 | MMC 存储卡 128 MB 用于 OP77B, OP/TP 177B, MOBILE PANEL 177 |
6ES7 648-0DC20-0AA0 | USB stick 512M |
6ES7 648-0DC30-0AA0 | USB stick 1G |
6ES7 648-0DC40-0AA0 | USB stick 2G |
6AV6647-0AA11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP400 Basic mono PN 3.8" mono STN 显示屏,以太网接口 |
6AV6647-0AB11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP600 Basic color PN 5,7" TFT 显示屏,256 色以太网接口 |
6AV6647-0AD11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP600 Basic color PN 5,7" TFT 显示屏,256 色以太网接口 |
6AV6647-0AE11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP1000 基本色 DP 10.4" TFT 显示器,256 色 MPI/PROFIBUS DP 接口, WINCC FLEXIBLE 2008 精简版,包括免费提供的开源软件,更多详情参见光盘。 |
6AV6647-0AF11-3AX0 | SIMATIC KTP1000 基本色 PN 10,4" TFT 显示器,256 色,以太网接口,WINCC FLEXIBLE 2008 精简版,包括免费提供的开源软件,更多详情参见光盘。 |
6AV2123-2MB03-0AX0 | KTP1200 BASIC |
6AV6647-0AG11-3AX0 | SIMATIC TP1500 基本色 PN 15.0" TFT 显示器,256 色,以太网接口,WINCC FLEXIBLE 2008 精简版,包括免费提供的开源软件,更多详情参见光盘。 |
6AV6648-0BC11-3AX0 | Smart 700 |
6AV6648-0BE11-3AX0 | Smart 1000 |
6AV2124-2DC01-0AX0 | KTP400 舒适型 |
触摸式面板 | |
6AV2124-0GC01-0AX0 | TP700 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0JC01-0AX0 | TP900 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0MC01-0AX0 | TP1200 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0QC02-0AX0 | TP1500 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0UC02-0AX0 | TP1900 舒适型 |
6AV2124-0XC02-0AX0 | TP2200 舒适型 |
按键 | |
6AV2124-1DC01-0AX0 | KP400 舒适型 |
6AV2124-1GC01-0AX0 | KP700 舒适型 |
6AV2124-1JC01-0AX0 | KP900 舒适型 |
6AV2124-1MC01-0AX0 | KP1200 舒适型 |
6AV2124-1QC02-0AX0 | KP1500 舒适型 |
Application area and integration options of SIMIT
Bringing products to the market faster and with consistently high quality requires an optimized engineering workflow in the automation and the shortest possible assembly and commissioning times for new production lines. The SIMIT simulation software permits real-time simulation and emulation for comprehensive examination of automation solutions.
SIMIT simulates what SIMATIC automatesSIMIT is based on a uniform simulation platform that enables not only the virtual commissioning of the automation engineering of systems, machines and processes, but also realistic training environments for plant operators. This can be easily done directly at the workplace, even without requiring equipment or the need for in-depth knowledge of simulation. Either a real or virtual automation system is used for the control, for example, the SIMIT Virtual Controller.
SIMIT Virtual Controller instances can emulate the SIMATIC S7‑300/S7‑400 automation systems from the SIMATIC S7 and SIMATIC PCS 7 product range used in an automation project.
Many efficient tests for detection and elimination of potential faults can already be carried out before the real plant is even available, e.g.:
Application of correct identifications
Testing of interconnection or interlocking logic
In this manner it is possible to optimize the quality of the configuration process without a risk for the real plant.
SIMIT V10.0 can be used in combination with SIMATIC PCS 7 V7, V8 and V9.
Testing and training environments without real hardware
Virtual controllers for emulation of automation systems
Flexible simulation and emulation environment for projects of any size
Synchronized simulation and emulation in real-time or virtual time
Testing of original automation project
Higher quality for automation engineering configuration
Reduced commissioning time and risk due to pretesting
No simulation configuration in the automation project