叉车电池安装步骤 Crown电动叉车维修9PZS900 科朗36V牵引用铅酸蓄电池组900Ah配件

   2023-12-16 180


Crown科朗叉车电瓶采用了铅、钙、锡、银、铋五元素专利配方,避免了早期容量损失和失水干涸的失效模式。贝朗斯叉车蓄电池公司提供科朗全系列电瓶叉车蓄电池配件维修服务。使活性物质和板栅合金之间结合力强,导电性强,采用极组化成、电池化成双化成,定量注酸,内阻、电压、容量的循检配组等工艺,使蓄电池一致性高。成组使用浮充电压差≤40mV,起始电压差≤20mV,内阻差≤15%。科朗叉车电池放电后,尽早进行充电。充电时,电池的温度会升高约10℃。蓄电池的温度不可超过55℃,否则会降低电池的寿命。所以,开始充电时的温度必须低于45℃。如大于45℃,应等冷却后再充电。禁止对电瓶过度放电,放电不要超过标准容量的80%,此时,电解液密度不低于1.13公斤/升。经常过度放电将降低电池的寿命。充电过程必须完全,不可以对电瓶断续充电,经常断续充电会损伤蓄电池。Crown's forklift battery uses patented formulas of five elements: lead, calcium, tin, silver, and bismuth to avoid early failure modes such as capacity loss and dehydration. Belluns Forklift Battery Co., Ltd. provides a full range of Kelang battery forklift battery parts maintenance services. Make the active material and grid alloy have strong bonding force and strong conductivity. Adopting extreme formation, battery formation, double formation, acid injection, and se inspection of internal resistance, voltage and capacity, etc. . The floating charge voltage difference is less than or equal to 40mV, the initial voltage difference is less than or equal to 20mV, and the internal resistance difference is less than or equal to 15%. When the battery of the Corum forklift is discharged, charge it as soon as possible. When charging, the temperature of the battery will rise by about 10 ° C. The temperature of the battery must not exceed 55 ° C, otherwise the battery life will be reduced. Therefore, the temperature at the beginning of charging must be lower than 45 ° C. If it is higher than 45 ℃, it should be charged after cooling down. Do not over-discharge the battery. Do not discharge more than 80% of the standard capacity. At this time, the density of the electrolyte is not less than 1.13 kg / liter. Frequent over-discharge will reduce battery life. The charging process must be complete. Do not intermittently charge the battery. Frequent intermittent charging will damage the battery.

标签: 电工电气,电池,蓄电池
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  • 联系人:陆灿成
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