PA1010美国杜邦RS LC1200 BK385 抗紫外线 黑色尼龙颗粒工厂

   2023-12-15 81

Zytel 151 NC010 A PA 612 resin
Zytel 151L NC010 Lubricated, general purpose molding grade
Zytel 153HSL NC010 Lubricated, heat stabilized, extrusion grade
Zytel 157HSL BK010 Lubricated, heat stabilized, improved weather resistant molding
Zytel 158 NC010 General purpose PA 612 resin suitable for molding and
Zytel 158L NC010 Lubricated, general purpose molding/extrusion grade
Zytel 159 NC010 High viscosity, extrusion grade
Zytel 77G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 612 resin
Zytel 77G33L BK031 33% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G33L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced, polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G43L BK031 43% Glass fiber reinforced, black polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel 77G43L NC010 43% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 612 resin for injection molding
Zytel MT409AHS BK010 Medium Toughened, high performance, heat stabilized
Zytel ST801 NC010A Super Tough, high performance
Zytel ST801AHS BK010 Super Tough, high performance
Zytel ST801AHS NC010 Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin.
Zytel ST801AW BK195 Super Tough, weatherable, easy flow and processing friendly
Zytel ST801AW NC010 Super Tough, high performance polyamide 66 resin.
Zytel 8018HS BKB085 14% Glass reinforced toughened heat stabilized black nylon 66 resin
Zytel 8018HS NC010 14% Glass reinforced toughened heat stabilized nylon 66 resin
Zytel 80G33HS1L BK104 33% Glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized black polyamide 66 resin
Zytel 80G33HS1L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced heat stabilized polyamide 66 resin
Zytel 80G33L NC010 33% Glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 resin with outstanding impact




核心提示:PA1010美国杜邦RS LC1200
标签: 橡胶塑料,通用塑料
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0
  • 联系人:刘桂棉
  • 电话:86-0769-82863609 0769-82863609
  • 手机:13268638988