BS EN 1384标准骑马活动的头盔规格测试

   2023-12-15 210

Test item 测试名称:Specification for Helmets for E Activities 骑马活动的头盔规格


Test info 测试内容:


Test Re



Impact Energy Attenuation 撞击能量吸收

Resistance to Penetration 抗刺穿性能

Retention System Stability (static) 固定系统稳定性(静态)

Retention System Strength (dynamic) 固定系统强度(动态)

Peak Deflection 帽舌偏差

Sample required: 
15 pcs of completed products per type with instruction (if applicable) is recommended.

样品要求: 每款头盔15,包括说明书(如适用).

Turnaround time:
normal (9~12 working days).

所需时间: 标准9~12个工作天).


Sample for reference 参考图片:

Respoi/insive image

>Sample Report 报告样本:

Respoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive image

核心提示:BS EN 1384
标签: 商务服务,检测服务,检测认证
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0评论 0
  • 联系人:罗卓文
  • 地址:深圳市宝安区福海街道展城社区福园一路158号鹏洲工业园B号厂房1层2层
  • 手机:17324413130