
   2023-12-15 250
一场瞩目行业四方的盛会,2024 上海旅游产业博览会及旗下子展之一——HOTELEX上海酒店及餐饮业博览会,即将在2024年春季揭开序幕,预计将吸引超250,000专业观众,3,000+展商,举办40+精彩同期活动。

2024年3月27-30日,上海虹桥·国家会展中心,第三十二届上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会即将盛大开启。作为“十四五”期间重点打造的三大名片性活动之一 -- 2024上海旅游产业博览会的重要组成部分,展会由上海市文化和旅游局指导,由中国旅游饭店业协会和上海博华国际展览有限公司共同主办。
厨房设备与用品、桌面用品、餐饮食材、食品综合、饮品综合、咖啡与茶、冰淇淋设备及物料、烘焙设备及物料、酒类综合、食品餐饮包装、餐饮设计及配套、连锁加盟及餐饮投资等12板块经典延续。在2024 HOTELEX上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会上,全球youxiu企业将展现新产品与创新技术,提供寻找灵感与获取智慧的契机。


Show Catalogue 展品类别

Food Packaging


Introduction 公司简介

Kraftpack was founded in year 2000. As a leading manufacturer of food contact packaging products, Kraftpack is providing a consolidated solution for our global customers to have a one-stop purchasing, by offering full range of containers for hot and cold applications, together with accessories to be served with food and beverage. As an innovation driving company, Kraftpack keeps devoting into developing green and sustainable materials to lead the market demand. In the year of 2022, Kraftpack successfully launched a series of new lines, including the light-weigh packaging style for resource saving and CO2 reduction, as well as the unique solution for ultra high temperature applications. Sustainability is always the spirit of the company, other than providing Eco products, We insist on using clean energy. In the end of 2022, a PV solar power system has been put into use for operation and production. Kraftpack, your trustworthy friend!

克拉弗特作为食品包装行业的lingdaozhe,2000年在湖北成立, 为全球客户提供了一站式冷热食品的全系列容器及用品。 公司致力于开发绿色,可持续的材料,于2022年成功推出一系列节省能源,减少碳排放,耐高温的新产品。我们坚持使用環保能源,包括光伏太阳能发电系统已投入运营和生產使用。 克拉弗特,您值得信赖的朋友!

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  • 联系人:沈先生
  • 地址:上海市
  • 手机:18217757251