BS 8416标准锯孔用的孔锯规范测试

   2023-12-15 16

Test item 测试名称: Specification for Hole-saws (锯孔用的)孔锯规范

Test info 测试内容:

Testing Items

Clause 5.1 Construction

Caluse 5.2 Direction of rotation

Clause 5.3 Heat treatment(body and teeth hardness test)

Clause 5.4 Finish test

Clause 5.5 Screw threads

Clause 5.7&5.8 Dimension reuqirements

Clause 5.10 Concentricity

Clause 5.11 Cutting edge variation

Clause 6   hole-saw arbors

Clause 7.1 Pilot drills

Clause 8 Marking

Caluse 9 instructions for use

Sample required: 5 pieces with smallest package

样品要求: 5

Turnaround time: normal (9 working days), express (7 working days).

所需时间 :标准(9 个工作天), 加快(7 个工作天).

Respoi/insive image


> Sample Report 报告样本:

Respoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive imageRespoi/insive image

核心提示:BS 8416标准
标签: 商务服务,检测服务,检测认证
反对 0举报 0 收藏 0 打赏 0
  • 联系人:罗卓文
  • 地址:深圳市宝安区福海街道展城社区福园一路158号鹏洲工业园B号厂房1层2层
  • 手机:17324413130