"CSL 450
它是自由旋转的特性,转换,包装和食品应用。 这个产品也很好
适用于输送机应用作为油漆或粉末涂层线和组装线。 无论如何,轴承都会自由旋转温度。可用温度范围:250F至+ 450F(注意:C4内部空间轴承可能是温度高于300F时需要。
CSL 450
This product is most popular in applications
where medium high temperatures are a problem.
It’s free spinning characteristic is desired
in many idler, converting, packaging, and
food applications. This product is also well
suited for use in conveyor applications such
as paint or powder coat lines, and assembly
lines. The bearing will spin free regardless of
Useable temperature range: 250F up to +450F
(note: C4 internal clearance bearing may be
required at temperatures above 300F)."