Alseal 5200 Cr-Free Ceramic Topcoat

   2023-12-15 17

Alseal 5200 is a chrome-free high temperature sealer for use over Alseal 5000. Description Alseal 5200 is a high temperature resistant one component composition for use over Alseal 5000. The purpose of this sealer is to enhance the smoothness of the Alseal 5000 and to extend the long term corrosion protection by retarding the sacrificial consumption of these coatings. Colors Available in Standard Green/Gold, Forest Green, Valley Green, Emerald Green, Tan, Chestnut Brown, Yellow, Sky Blue, Midnight Blue, Light Gray, Chrcoal, and Black. Surface Preparation Alseal 5000 should be applied as per specification. After application and curing the surface should be aluminum oxide blasted using #240 to #320 grit at approximately 30 psi air pressure (suction blaster) so as to make the surface conductive (10 ohms or less with probes of ohm meter 1" apart) without noticeable removal of coating. Blasting grit should be removed using an oil free air blast.

核心提示:Alseal 5200 Cr-Free Ceramic Topcoat
标签: 精细化学品,工业润滑油,其他工业润滑油
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  • 联系人:张婕
  • 电话:021-20228098
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  • 手机:13391171050
  • 传真:86-021-51685756