宝骊CPDS15-18叉车电瓶80V4PZS460蓄电池叉车**** 宝骊叉车80V蓄电池组

   2023-12-14 61

宝骊CPDS15-18叉车电瓶80V4PZS460蓄电池叉车****,正极骨架合金应用精心研制的合金配方,提高其 耐腐蚀性能,延长产品的使用寿命;具有国际先进水平的条纶排管,绝缘护套,以格板包封极板的方式,有效地防止爆管,刺穿隔板及电池槽底部积粉等容易造叉车 蓄电池短路现象,从而提供产品的可靠性,延长电池的使用寿命,可使用软铜线的连接,减少线路损耗,提高蓄电池组的大电流放电性能及提高蓄电池组使用的可靠 性。

Baoli CPDS15-18 forklift battery 80V4PZS460 battery forklift factory direct sales, the positive skeleton alloy uses the carefully developed alloy formula to improve its corrosion resistance and prolong the service life of the product; it has the international advanced level of strip tube, insulating sheath, and The grid plate encapsulates the pole plate, effectively preventing the tube burst, piercing the partition and the powder accumulation at the bottom of the battery slot, which is easy to cause the short circuit of the forklift battery, thereby providing product reliability and prolonging the battery life. Soft copper can be used Line connection reduces line loss, improves the high-current discharge performance of the battery pack and improves the reliability of the battery pack.


标签: 电工电气,电池,蓄电池
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  • 联系人:陆灿成
  • 电话:020-86603123
  • 地址:中国 广东 广州 白云区 夏花二路28号
  • 手机:13538843060
  • 传真:86 020 86202011