
   2023-12-13 36


中国红街是北京胜策房地产开发有限公司开发的商业写字楼项目,该项目占地面积9111.25平方米,总建筑面积70061平方米,沿工体东路而建,由六个体量高低错落的楼体由北至南组成,其中2号、4号、5号楼为二层的独立商业,1号、3号、6号楼为1--3层的商业及4--14层的甲级写字楼。地下停车位为600多个。建成后的中国红街将形成一条全长近300米,由50余家国际商铺组成的立体式商业长廊。稀缺、珍罕——商业 价值堪称街铺在目前京东乃至整个北京的主流商业产品中,优质街铺均属稀缺性产品。精致、独特——商业形态升级传统商铺错落有致的步行街形式,大限度延长人流停留时间,提升街区整体集客能力,每户8米宽形象展示面,作为对传统商铺的突破性升级,本项目户内层高达到4.85—6.5米,可增设夹层,至少增加经营面积30%,自由组合式户型格局,形成通透、开阔的空间,适应多元态店铺功能。 中国红街处于中央商务区——中央娱乐区—国门商务区—中央公园—第二使馆区交叠区域,地价和土地的利用率高,闹中取静、环境优雅、交通易达,加之建筑物高度集中,现代市政、信息环境较为通畅,街铺服务范围可覆盖五大商圈,并辐射整个北京,是东部乃至整个北京为数不多、直接产生“商业—商务—生活”连动效应的热点区域。


China Red Street is a commercial office project developed by Beijing Shengce Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. The project covers an area of 9111.25 square meters, with a total construction area of 70061 square meters. It is built along Gongti East Road and consists of six buildings with staggered heights from north to south. Buildings 2, 4, and 5 are independent commercial buildings on the second floor, while buildings 1, 3, and 6 are commercial buildings on the 1-3 floors and Grade A office buildings on the 4-14 floors. There are over 600 underground parking spaces. After completion, the Chinese Red Street will form a three-dimensional commercial corridor with a total length of nearly 300 meters, consisting of more than 50 international shops. Scarcity and rarity - commercial value can be called the king of street shops. Among the mainstream commercial products of JD and even the entire Beijing, high- street shops are all scarce products. Ex and Unique - The upgrade of commercial form features a pedestrian street with traditional shops arranged in a well-organized manner, maximizing the duration of pedestrian flow and enhancing the overall passenger gathering capacity of the block. Each household has an 8-meter wide image display surface, which is a breakthrough upgrade to traditional shops. The interior of the project can reach a height of 4.85-6.5 meters, and mezzanine floors can be added, increasing the operating area by at least 30%. The freely combined layout of the house forms a transparent and open space, Adapt to diverse store functions. China Red Street is located in the overlapping area of the Central Business District, Central Entertainment District, Guomen Business District, Central Park, and the Second Embassy District. It has the highest land value and utilization rate, with quiet and elegant environment, easy transportation, and highly concentrated buildings. The modern municipal and information environment is relatively unobstructed, and the street service range can cover the five major commercial districts and radiate throughout Beijing. It is one of the few in the east and even the entire Beijing A hot area that directly generates a "business life" linkage effect.



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  • 联系人:张经理
  • 地址:北京市朝阳区双桥东路2049国际文创园
  • 手机:13522230053
  • 传真:010-56235000