
   2023-12-09 43

The application will be examined after your payment has been received. The time required for this process will depend on the general volume of applications received by RAL gGmbH. The aim is to process applications within two months if possible. The processing time depends heavily on the completeness, comprehensibility and correctness of the submitted documents. If application documents are missing, incomplete or incorrect, you will be notified accordingly so that you can resubmit the documents.

收到您的付款后,我们将检查该申请。该过程所需的时间将取决于RAL gGmbH收到的总体申请量。目的是尽可能在两个月内处理申请。处理时间在很大程度上取决于所提交文件的完整性,可理解性和正确性。如果申请文件丢失,不完整或不正确,则会相应地通知您,以便您可以重新提交文件。

You will receive two contracts at the same time or possibly a little later. once both of these contracts have been returned signed to RAL gGmbH, they will be countersigned by RAL gGmbH if the application is examined positively. At the same time as the contract is issued, the applicant will receive the invoice for the annual fee based on the schedule of fees.

您将或稍后收到两份合同。一旦将这两个合同的签字都退还给RAL gGmbH,如果对申请进行了积极的审查,它们将由RAL gGmbH签字。签发合同的申请人将根据费用表收到年费发票。

On request, RAL gGmbH will then produce certificates confirming the successful award of the EU Ecolabel.

RAL gGmbH将根据要求提供证书,以证明已成功授予EU生态标签。

Registration and publication注册和发布

For publication in the Ecolabel Catalogue (ECAT) maintained by the EU, the applicant or licence holder must enter their contract details in ECAT. This will then be confirmed in the ECAT system by RAL gGmbH. It is not possible for RAL gGmbH to enter this information.

为了在欧盟维护的生态标签目录(ECAT)中发布,申请人或许可证持有人必须在ECAT中输入其合同详细信息。RAL gGmbH将在ECAT系统中对此进行确认。RAL gGmbH无法输入此信息。

If the applicant or contractual partner is using ECAT for the first time, they are required to complete the initial registration process in ECAT. 


Publication in the list of products and suppliers on the RAL gGmbH website will be completed automatically after conclusion of the contract.

合同签订后,将自动完成RAL gGmbH网站上产品和供应商列表中的发布。

Note: due to technical problems, it is currently not recommended that the applicant or licence holder makes any entries. 


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  • 联系人:陈柳燕
  • 地址:临安市锦城街道锦江路西广苑小区29号科技大楼
  • 手机:13867408273