IMO FTPC Part 4: 防火门控制装置防火阻燃检测机构

   2023-11-30 108

Field of application:
IMO FTPC Part 4: - fire resistance test of A、B and F class divisions (decks, bulkheads, ceiling, doors, windows, fire dampers, pipe penetrations and cable transits--IMO A.754(18)


IMO MSC 61(67) FTPC – 相关测试标准
IMO FTPC Part 1: Non-combustibility test 不燃物测试
IMO FTPC Part 2: Smoke and toxicity test 烟雾毒性测试
IMO FTPC Part 4: Test for fire door control systems 防火门控制系统测试
IMO FTPC Part 5: Test for surface flammability 表面燃烧试验
IMO FTPC Part 6: Test for primary deck coverings 主要甲板覆盖物测试
IMO FTPC Part 7: Test for vertically supported textiles and films 垂直放置的纺织物料和覆膜测试
IMO FTPC Part 8: Test for upholstered furniture 软垫家具测试
IMO FTPC Part 9: Test for bedding components 床上用品测试
ISO 9705 and ISO 5660: Test for fire-restricting materials for high-speed craft 高速船舶防火材料

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  • 联系人:饶经理
  • 地址:江苏省昆山市陆家镇星圃路12号智汇新城B区7栋
  • 手机:18662248592