Located at No. 7iao North Road, Chaoyang District, the Creative Plaza of Telecom consists of three slopes, six corridors, twelve bridges, twenty-four waters and thirty-six pavilions, forming a unique industrial park, which is especially suitable for large enterprises as the Office Exhibition base of the group head
Telecom Creative Plaza has the highest three floors, 4.5-9 meters high, luxurious empty space, open-air gardens on the roof, each of which has its own unique style. Beautiful environment and comfortable indoor space are conducive to creating a comfortable office atmosphere for tenants.
Originally located in Beijing Electric Machinery General Factory, the original site of the Creative Plaza of CTC has been continuously renovated and restored. Now, Beijing Bijie Electric Machinery Co., Ltd., the former Electric Machinery General Factory, has regained its full vitality after the completion of the relief. As a new cultural and creative industry park adjacent to 798 and 751 art districts.
商 场:新荟城(望京)、新世界百货(望京店)、凯德MALL(望京店)、方恒购物中心、颐堤港购物中心、合生麒麟新天地
餐 饮:电通餐厅、顺兴斋清真餐厅(酒仙桥店)、一森家厨、电机咖啡、醉库绿领庄园红酒主题餐厅、上海新拍档餐饮管理有限公司、蝎梁府石锅鱼(彩虹路店)、这儿餐厅(彩虹路店)、辛德勒啤酒德餐厅
银 行:宁波银行(北京望京支行)、中国建设银行24小时自助银行服务、北京银行24小时自助银行(将府家园社区支行)、中信银行24小时自助银行(北京酒仙桥支行)、中国民生银行(电子城支行)、中国民生银行24小时自助银行(北京电子城支行)、北京市农村商业银行ATM(将台支行)
超 市:多点便利店(酒仙桥路店)、京客隆(驼房营店)、威威超市(尚科办公社区东)、蓉味索胡绳超市、顺发超市(驼房营路店)、物美便利店(鸿运大厦店)、信福天天超市(将台路)、北京华联gaoji超市(颐堤港购物广场店)、华欣超市(高家园店)
地 铁:14号线将台站
公 交:陈各庄:401路、418路、418路区间、421路、445路、847路、973路、988路、991路、快速直达专线117路、快速直达专线53路、夜32路、专123路、专124路,广顺南大街南口:131路、404路、421路、593路、696路、高铁专线6路、夜32路、运通101线、运通111线,王爷坟:401路、405路、418路、418路区间、445路、988路、991路、快速直达专线117路、516路、847路、专123路、专124路,大山桥东:359路、405路、538路、641路、696路、850路、915路、916路、935路、980路、988路、关上通勤班车、郊81路