
   2023-11-24 90


华腾大厦位于朝阳朝阳区劲松三区甲302号。主楼共 26 层,其中裙楼 4 层,地下 3 层,建筑总高度 98 米。有着中国的"帝国大厦"之美誉。纯美式落地玻璃窗,外饰玻璃幕墙及精美大理石,内装典雅豪华。内设VIP总裁俱乐部、会客室、休闲厅、娱乐场所、餐厅、会议厅、大厦空气及室温调节采用中央空调进行,并配有6部高速客梯,充分体现五A级智能化写字楼的特色,并预留多个宽带网端口以便于客户使用。大厦设施全部通过ISO14000环保体系认证。在CBD商圈写字楼中提供了低租金价格及高水准的物业服务。是企业提升形象,节约办公成本的理想之选。BD东都华腾国际公寓交通状况:迅捷对接CBD核心;零距离接驳东四环城市快速路,直抵四惠桥,通达长安街;北临京城第二条东西交通大动脉两广路、广渠路及规划建设的轻轨7号线站台;500米紧扣财富大道,提速财富积累。自西大望路东西横穿珠江帝景百万平米高尚社区,东至CBD东都的大郊亭一街、大郊亭二街、大郊亭三街,三条市政府路已列入规划,即将开工建设,全面满足区域客群通行之便。


Huateng Building is located at No.302, Jinsong Third District, Chaoyang District, Chaoyang City. The main building has a total of 26 floors, including 4 podium floors and 3 underground floors, with a total height of 98 meters. It is known as China's "Empire State Building". Pure American floor to ceiling glass windows, exterior glass curtain walls and ex marble, and elegant and luxurious interior decoration. The VIP President's Club, reception room, leisure hall, entertainment venue, restaurant, conference hall, and building are e with high-end central air conditioning for air and room temperature regulation, and are e with 6 high-speed passenger elevators, fully reflecting the characteristics of a Class 5A intelligent office building. Multiple broadband network ports are reserved for customers to use. All building facilities have passed the ISO14000 environmental protection system certification. We provide low rent prices and the highest level of property services in CBD commercial district office buildings. It is an ideal choice for enterprises to enhance their image and save office costs. Traffic status of BD Dongdu Huateng International Apartment: Fast connection to CBD core; Zero distance connection to the East Fourth Ring City Expressway, directly reaching Sihui Bridge and reaching Chang'an Street; The second east-west transportation artery in the capital, Liangguang Road, Guangqu Road, and the planned platform of Light Rail Line 7, are adjacent to the north; 500 meters close to the Fortune Avenue, accelerating the accumulation of wealth. Three municipal government roads have been included in the plan, and will be constructed soon to fully meet the accessibility of regional customers.



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  • 联系人:张经理
  • 地址:北京市朝阳区双桥东路2049国际文创园
  • 手机:13522230053
  • 传真:010-56235000