
   2021-10-16 820

保定市润达电缆槽模具厂生产电缆槽模具,水泥槽模具,U型槽模具等各种高标准水泥预制件模具,欢迎咨询订购。选购热线: 崔经理  电缆槽模具设计方案与实行在铁路、高铁、路基用途都广泛,电缆槽模具承担的任务艰巨,不管是单槽、E型槽还是三槽或者更多槽的电缆槽预制块都有应用,

The design and implementation of cable groove die are widely used in railway, high-speed railway and roadbed. The task of cable groove die is very arduous. It can be used in single groove, E groove, three groove or more groove prefabricated blocks of cable groove.


According to different grooves, the material chosen is different. How much do you know about plastic mould for cable groove? Are you familiar with the material, manufacturing method and operation steps of the die?


The following ChiYue dies provide a simple introduction: from the use of materials, the general cable channel steel dies are produced by ABS, large plastic dies need to ensure that they do not deform.


This requires the use of hard plastic materials, ABS particles well undertook this task, so the cable groove die is widely used, according to different geographical locations need to choose the appropriate material is the cable groove die to play the greatest role.

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  • 联系人:崔经理
  • 电话:0312-7911388
  • 地址:保定市清苑县阎庄乡南阎庄村
  • 邮件:1903165600@qq.com
  • 手机:13315438000
  • 传真:0312-7911388